"...her dazzling personality and character are exhibited daily. She is a joy be around and amazes me with her intellect as well. Cassey is able to balance a rigorous academic schedule, excel in extracurricular activities, and manage a part-time job as well. How she manages all of her activities with a pleasant attitude and sense of excitement is to be acknowledged Cassey is truly a student that rises to any expectation..."
Cassey's favorite image is of her can her dog, Cocco.
Cassey's favorite image is of her can her dog, Cocco.
At BHHS, Cassey is involved in the Yearbook, International Club, Student Council, BLT with teachers and admins, Science Olympiad, and other activities. She loves watching Netflix in her spare time and is recently obsessed with The Office! She says, and I quote "IT IS SO GOOD."

Her plans after graduation include going to college and is looking at several options, but she does know she wants to try double majoring in Biology and International Studies

And if that is not enough for you to love this girl, then this will do it...before she graduates college, she wants to go on a LDS mission for 18 months and spread the gospel full-time.

And here is one of my favorite images...
I asked Cassey what her favorite part of working with me was and her are her words, "My favorite part of working with you was your spirit. You're so kind and enthusiastic that it just shines through your work! I loved your passion and how excited you were for little things like the sunlight and leaf color. haha."

Cassey has her own blog, so go check it out HERE.
To view Cassey's Beautiful Senior Film head on over HERE.
Cassey, I am so thankful to Ms. Swagger for nominating you. You are a pure joy!
If you loved Cassey's session and would like to book one, mention this blog and Cassey will receive a $25 credit and so will you!