I am not sure how long we planned Kaitlyn's Destination Senior Session to New York City but I know that it was one of my most anticipated sessions for the Class of 2017. I mean think about it...a beautiful senior that I've been photographing for about 6 years, her family that I dearly love, and New York City! What else could a photographer ask for? Before I start showing you the gorgeous images, let me tell you the trip itself and the camaraderie was some of the best parts. We laughed, we cried when we thought about those who weren't with us anymore, we praised Jesus, we laughed some more, we sang songs, and laughed some more...you get the picture.
And then there was sunset with the New York City Skyline in the background...
On Day Two, I'm pretty sure we walked around 10 miles, from the subway through Central Park to Times Square. Kaitlyn was a trooper and even though we were hungry and thirsty (and determined to have pizza) she powered on until we finally found an authentic New York Pizzeria. It was totally worth the wait and we created some pretty incredible images along the way.

Do you know how long you have to wait for there to be no one else in your wide angle Central Park image? A pretty long time! Patience is important when photographing in the city.
Walking through one of the tunnel bridges, I snapped this pretty quickly before the opportunity for the unplanned silhouette was over. Kaitlyn carrying her heels because Lord knows you cannot walk through the whole city in them! I think its a fine ending to her session. She's not walking away from anything, she is walked toward her future, and like the outside of the tunnel it is so bright!

I had some help throughout the trip. Kaitlyn's family was there to help with whatever we needed. Her aunt's family put us up for a night on the trip up and back and fed us the best meals. Thank you Barb! Nancy, Sandra, and Ed were there to lend a hand whenever we needed it (and kept us entertained!). And Lucy helped carry my things and Kaitlyn's all over New York City. Thank you Lucy! Here are a couple of pictures of Lucy and Kaitlyn at Time's Square. Cousins are special.

After this we took a tour on one of the double decker tour buses. It was worth every single penny (and you can barter with the tour salesmen- that's a pretty competitive world apparently!) They went to a Broadway Show while I got lost in the city looking for Penn Station. True story. I did however learn that New Yorkers are a very friendly and helpful bunch. After finally finding the train station, then the shuttle bus, I crashed. The night life is not for me I discovered.
Celeste, thank you for trusting me with your girl's portraits, all of them. You gave her an experience she will never forget, her dream session in NYC. I have no idea how we can ever top this one, but you know I love the challenge!
If you would like to create a unique senior experience, contact me at
www.StephanieTurnerPortraitDesign.com What's your dream destination?