For six days I waited to hold you when you were born. So tiny, so weak, so fragile. You scared the life out of me minutes after you were born 7 weeks premature with underdeveloped lungs. I sat by your NICU bed every minute I was allowed willing you to fight, to be strong, praying God would heal you and let me have you in my life to love and to care for. Prayers were answered and 10 days after you were born I brought you home.

Days slipped into years and before I knew it you were going to Kindergarten. We walked hand in hand to your class and you let go. The moment you let go pulled my heart because I knew there would be more moments when I would have to let your hand go or you would let mine go. You explored your classroom because you are one of the most curious boys I know. A little later you came up to me, while I stood trying to hold back tears, and said, "Are you still here mommy?" I knew you would be fine. And you were fine, more than fine really, because you loved school. You were hungry to learn. Son, always be hungry to learn.
Each year until 7th grade I walked you to your class on the first day. Middle school came and you wanted to go in on your own. Another one of those moments when I had to "let your hand go" and let you do this on your own. What you did not know is that I cried again. Tears of pride, tears of joy, a few tears because you didn't need me quite as much as you did the year before.
The first day of high school was pretty much like the first day of middle school, except I knew you only had four more years before college and they were going to fly by, for you and for me. And as I watched you walk into high school, guess what? I cried. Skip to Junior year, and now I was not driving you to were driving yourself. Another moment I had to let your hand go, figuratively of course at this point. Still I cried and I worried until you got safely to school all on your own. It's okay son, that's what us moms do-worry about our children no matter their age.

Senior year. Now you are driving yourself and your brother to school- Do you know that every day you walked out of the door I prayed for you? I will always pray for you and hope you follow God's will in your life. But underneath worry and prayer is an absolute joy and pride in the man you are becoming. You set high academic goals, and you achieved them. You completed and internship, you work a job, and you amaze me every day. You stand for what you believe, always believe in yourself. After Christmas break there was prom and I felt this year was slipping away so fast.
College applications, scholarship offers, interviews, decisions to be made. And throughout the whole process I "held your hand". We did this together you and I. But in the end it was always your decision and you made a great one. I couldn't be more excited for you! And what other mom gets three sets of Senior Portraits? Thank you for letting me take so many!
AP exams meant your year was almost over. Awards Day came and I think I nearly bursted with pride when you received those two additional scholarships because I saw how hard you worked, the years of hours piled upon hours that you studied, the determination you had to do your best with every single assignment, test, and project.
The day before Graduation Day, I cried most of the day while looking through the thousands of pictures I have taken of you, you didn't know that did you? Driving to Graduation in the car, I held your hand for a little while. You may not remember or even have noticed, but again, this was for me. Holding my baby boy's hand, then knowing I had to let go. Emotions were so huge because in all the joy there was a lot of bittersweetness. I missed your Memaw and Papaw and wanted them to be there so much. I like to think they had the best seat in the house. And their hearts were filled with love and joy for you, as it always was when they were here.
Your turn to walk across the stage and guess what? I bet you thought I would say I cried... Nope, only complete utter joy for you and a heart swelled with love, with pride, with hope that above all else you will be happy and live close to God.
My baby boy graduated Summa Cum Laude, with the highest honors. Was that all? No way...also with the President's Award for Educational Excellence and a NC Academic Scholar. I am so proud of the awards, the scholarships, the achievements, but most of all I am so very proud of the little boy who grew into an amazing young man. I've held your hand and I've had to let go of your hand. There will be more times of both, God willing. But I want you to know that no matter how old you are, or how far away your future takes you, I am your biggest fan, I am your mom, and I will always hold your hand.
I love you, Mom.